Company Update

Open letter from Cake CEO - Kim Hansen

Open letter from Cake CEO - Kim Hansen

Hi Founder,

You may recently have heard about equity management companies taking private data and - without the customer’s permission - using that data to try and encourage secondary transactions. Quite understandably this breach of trust has upset a lot of people.

I am writing to be very clear that this is not something Cake has done, or will ever do. You have our absolute assurance that we will never take your data and use it in any way other than what you have entrusted us to do with it. We are in the business of helping you manage your equity, motivate and engage your teams and to do so in a way which is in line with our shared values of integrity and reliability.

We are unequivocal about this.

Building a startup is tough. We need to push the boundaries, find new ways, explore the gray zones and to succeed in having a massive impact we need to do things differently. As the world continues to transition from capital abundance and high late stage valuations to capital scarcity, things have become a lot tougher. I understand how hard it is to find new ways of generating reliable revenue streams.

But as founders and startup teams our role is also to set boundaries. It has never been growth at all cost at Cake, particularly if that cost includes integrity and trust. We all seek to thrive in this environment. And we know that it is a long hard journey to build a successful startup. Please know that we support you, we respect you, and above all we appreciate you and your trust and we will never, ever take it for granted. We are on this journey with you.

If you have any questions or any feedback, or you would like to find out more about our privacy and non-solicitation policies, please click here.

Yours sincerely,
Kim Hansen
Co-founder and CEO

This article is designed and intended to provide general information in summary form on general topics. The material may not apply to all jurisdictions. The contents do not constitute legal, financial or tax advice. The contents is not intended to be a substitute for such advice and should not be relied upon as such. If you would like to chat with a lawyer, please get in touch and we can introduce you to one of our very friendly legal partners.

Kim Hansen

Kim Hansen is an experienced startup founder and CEO, bringing over 20 years of experience building innovative technology companies. Before he co-founded Cake Equity, Kim was a software engineer and has worked with startups throughout various stages of growth. He's passionate about fostering positive startup cultures that empower employees and create meaningful impact. When not working, Kim enjoys staying active and is a strong advocate our company value, "creative healthy lifestyle". He loves surfing, mountain biking, snowboarding, and invest in healthy habits like meditation, gratitude journaling, cryotheraphy, you name it. He's passionate about helping people build successful startups while living a healthy and well balanced lives.

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